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Serverless irretrievable delete

Second meeting notes

📌 to consolidate

Threads to explore


Data structures

Are the changes small?

Bengo [ his summary ]


What if every blob sent out was unique to a recipient What if we predictably mutate some piece of data every e.g. 10 days

Promising approach:

exquisite corpse

how does GDPR get audited? how does the EU know a company has removed stuff? are there legal affordances which say “this info is no longer permissible in court”

recovery in conversation

Spectrum of deletion

Words to drop

Purpose for deletion

sometimes your deletion is my censorship

Sometimes we want to make a piece of data irretrievable. Given a distributed system subject to intermittent connectivity, partitions, and variable trust, how do we effectively syndicate deletions among peers? What does it mean for a distributed delete to be ‘good enough’?

Data in systems like Hypercore and SSB is often “signed” by an author, which makes it particularly dangerous. When the hash of the data is also signed, the data’s metadata can be used in a “Confirmation Of A File Attack” to prove that the author once possessed the data.

First meeting notes

📌 to consolidate

p2p delete


Problem Description

Sometimes we want to make a piece of data irretrievable. Given a distributed system subject to intermittent connectivity, partitions, and variable trust, how do we effectively syndicate deletions among peers? What does it mean for a distributed delete to be ‘good enough’?

Data in systems like Hypercore and SSB is often “signed” by an author, which makes it particularly dangerous. When the hash of the data is also signed, the data’s metadata can be used in a “Confirmation Of A File Attack” to prove that the author once possessed the data.

Disaster scenario

Solution Shape

Our solution should:

  1. Propagate deletes throughout a network for peers to enact.
  2. Deleted content should not be replicated
    • we don’t want to accidentally re-propogate previously deleted data
    • implies I may need to remember what’s been deleted
  3. Must not destroy verification of data structures
    • e.g. if a particular deleted message was part of a hash-chain, the hash of the content may be preserved while the content no longer exists
  4. Be auditable
    • we want to find naughty / ignorant peers
    • test whether peers are following (1-3) ? or have published a “delete receipt”?
  5. Must be able to delete data authored by other peers
    • this needs a lot more work/ clarification
    • do we need a hierarchy for deletes
    • disavowal (you should not hold it/ I’m blocking this message and if you hold it I’ll hold you accountable)


  1. how do we know the data is “deleted”?
    • If a peer who is known to have received a deletion responds with the deleted data when asked, it is in violation.
  2. can you delete someone elses content? (needed for doxx)
    • Delete for who? Can a peer autonomously forget data, or refuse to replicate it?
  3. what happens to links to deleted records?
    • Ex: Signal’s “this message was deleted” meta-message.
  4. do we need reasons for deletion?
    • Does this annotation belong at the protocol or application layer?
  5. how does edit relate to delete?
  6. how do I know the “health” deletion?
  7. can I disavow data? (demand data become irretrievable and hold noncompliant peers accountable)

Neighbor technologies, solutions

Threats to mitigate

  1. tombstone spamming
    • an adversary can take up all your disk space by forcing you to propogate and remember tombstones

state-of conference

A guest on Metagov Seminars (Wednesdays 12-1pm EST), midjuly


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